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Get This Simple Martial Arts Video Content Creation Blueprint That Will Give You The Tools To Create Videos Of Your Classes That Generate A Ton Of Attention While Making It Easy and Fun To Do.
Watch the video now to see how this incredibly simple blueprint can help promote your business like crazy.
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Shows You A Killer Concept To Create Great Videos People Will Love.
This is a Video Course that shows you a blueprint to create ideas for a type of content video that people will be attracted to. Most people learn a ton of techniques but get stuck making good videos because they don't understand the concepts behind it. Once you know the concepts the techniques become easy.
We have been creating content and productions for 10 years. It's super simple to create videos when you know what you are looking for. This is some of my BEST stuff. Seriously I have used this to great success in my career. I believe anyone can use this information to great success as well.
Teaches You How to Plan Your Content Creation Around Classes.
Once you know what you are doing planning it isn't hard or difficult. It's not knowing what to do is which gives you analysis paralysis. It's pretty simple to build videos around your classes. And even easier to make great videos when you know what to record, and how to lay out your edits.

Discuss the techniques you need to use to record your videos with just your phone
I use these concepts on every single shoot. It does not matter if the shoot is $30, $300, $3,000 or $35,000 or free. If I am using a DSLR, a iPhone, Android, or a Expensive camera it doesn't matter the concepts stay the same!
Learn how to bring the video to life easily and quickly without hassle.
Learn the tips and secrets I use in many of my own video shoots, that you can leverage for your school and create content that just crushes.

Find Out How To Get Attention Make Killer Content and Have Fun!
Most of all learn to have fun with this, and create results that no one else can get because no one else is you. Once you go over this plan you will never create content the same. Best of all you will get the results you need without the headache of worrying if you are doing the right thing.
Get Info from REAL content creators.
Most of the information out is vague on how to create content or story telling.
A lot of these coaches brag about themselves that may work on business owners. We all want success.
But bragging and rambling how good you are to YOUR audience doesn't work AT ALL.People don't want to be bored to death with your shiny stuff.
Most coaches never created a video so they have no reference point of what works. I do. I do this for a living. With very HIGH profile clients.
This information you can only get here. Because as far as I know I am the only person in this industry that Films, Edits, Produces, Designs and Builds the branding you see, with my own 2 hands. Everyone else has to hire others.

Amazing Bonus!
Bonus 1: (The First 20 People who grab this deal)
Production Section Of The Video Authority
This bonus alone is worth $399 chock full of information on exactly how to use your iPhone to film. How to set up, shoot different angles, different positions and how to use lighting.

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Get Instant Access To The Martial Arts Video Content Blueprint
Sign Me Up NowOnly $27 Normally $77